Friday, 22 June 2018

Book week

For book week, on Friday 22nd June, I was Klaus from A
Series of Unfortunate Events.It doesn't look like him so I did the one from the movie and it was easier to prepare and wear.
I chose Klaus because I read the first two books and I enjoyed them.They were really good books because there was always a  huge mystery.

Wednesday, 6 June 2018

Cross Country

On Tuesday 5th June, it was Cross country!
Everyone was puffing and was tired but everyone did a good job!
Lots of people were cheering for me.
This is me running to the finish line.
When I crossed the finish line I felt tired
and amazed!

Tuesday, 5 June 2018

Star life cycle

Stars are everywhere.When you look into the night sky, you can see them.
In the daytime you can’t see them but they’re still there.
First phase. Protostar
A star’s life cycle depends on its mass in it’s nebula.
The cloud where it was born.
The more mass,the shorter the life cycle.
The mass is determined by the amount of matter.The star starts to spin faster and faster until it reaches 15,000,000 degrees.
This means it has become a protostar.

Second phase. Red giant
As the star glows,hydrogen in the star’s
Core is changed by the nuclear fusion.
When the hydrogen supply in the star’s core runs out,the star won’t be generating heat anymore and, the core will be unstable and shrink.
The outer shell of the star will still grow larger.
As it grows larger, it will cool and glow red.It has become a red giant.
It is red because in the core of the red giant, the helium has joined into the carbon.

Third phase. White or black dwarf

If the red giant doesn't have enough mass to create the core temperatures,near 1 hundred billion, required to combine lots of carbon and oxygen created at its center.When it sheds its outer layer,there will be a ring shaped shell of gas leaving its core behind.
Over the years,maybe billions of centuries, the white dwarf will cool and become a black dwarf.

The Last phase, Supernova.

Then the red giant becomes a red super giant triggered nearby a white dwarf which makes a supernova then ends up like a black hole or a neutron star.
That's how a stars life cycle goes.

It was very long but that's how a life cycle goes!